SDG 4 Blog by Shaan

SDG 4 Quality Education is an “everybody” goal. When I was in college, I was studying film-making. I had aspirations to either become a documentary film-maker or work in commercial media. One day, towards the last two months of my college education, I decided to sit in on a presentation being made by an NGO working in the education sector. While I went in with no expectations, I have to say now, that this one presentation (and what followed) changed my life. In that one hour, I learnt about the educational crises in my country. I soon realised that the biggest reason why I was sitting in a fancy college room attending a presentation while someone equally or more capable, talented or bright was perhaps in a slum with no real hope or plans for their future; was because of where I was born. I was born in a family who believed in me and encouraged me as much as they could, to educate myself. Within that one hour, something had changed within me. I ha...